See here for unformatted version.
# xbm2face
#   convert an X11 bitmap to a Blit ikon bitmap, and then to a face
# compressed bitmap for use in the mail X-Face header. Requires some
# bitmap filters from the pbmplus package, and the compface program
# from the faces package.
#  Anthony Thyssen         17 Dec 1993
# Additions by Tim Connors Aug 2002 tconnors@astro.DIE.SPAMMING.BARSTARDS! (remove the spammers first)

#TimC comments:
#apt-get install compface netpbm
#To convert a jpg (or pretty much anything else) to xbm, use the GIMP, or even easier:
#mogrify -format xbm foo.jpg foo.xbm
#Run this program supplying foo.xbm file, and it pipes the xface to stdout

compface=`xbmtopbm "$@" | pbmtoicon |
  sed -e 1,2d -e '$s/$/,/' |
  tr -d '\011\012' | tr ',' '\012' |
  pr -l1 -t -w22 -3 -s, |
  sed -e 's/$/,/' -e 's/\(0x....\)\(0x....\)\(0x....\),/\1,\2,\3,/' |

#get rid of newlines and spaces:
compface=`echo $compface | sed 's/ //g'`  #no quotes around $compface because we want echo to discard newlines. 

echo "X-Face: $compface"             #You import this line verbatim into the headers. 
#You may need to escape the %'s and "'s and /'s in programs like slrn. 
#Slrn in xface_header requires escapes of "'s and % and \ with another \ in front.
#in followup_xface_header it requires the same, except that % needs to be escaped with %. 
#Stupid crappy stupidness!

# | sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/g' -e 's/"/\\"/g' -e 's/%/%%/g'